What are Ombre brows?

Combination brows or combo brows are a cosmetic tattoo service that combine microblading or nano stroke (hair strokes) with powder or ombre tattoo (shading).

They provide the shape and definition of a powdered brow with the addition of subtle, natural hair strokes. Combination brows may be the eyebrow solution you’ve been searching for, but lets go through what combination eyebrow tattoo is, the benefits, risks and more.

We know reading a full article isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so in synopsis; combination brows are a cosmetic tattoo technique that combine ombre / powder brows with either microblading or nano stroke. They are best suited for people who are looking for the definition of a filled in brow, but with a natural brow head that mimics natural hair growth. They are suitable for all skin types with nano stroke and limited skin types with microblading. Allure Ink recommends combo brows to most clients as they are a diverse style with stunning results.

For additional support understanding cosmetic tattoo options and deciding which technique is best for you please contact us.

What are combination brows?

Combination brows or combo brows are a style of cosmetic tattoo that combine ombre or powder brows with a hair stroke technique. The hair stroke technique can be either Microblading or nano/machine strokes. For an in-depth look at ombre, nano stroke and Microblading please see our brows basics articles here.

In the meantime we will provide you with a brief description of each:

Ombre / Powder Brows - this brow technique involves using a fine tattoo needle and tattoo machine to stipple tiny dots of pigment into the dermis. These tiny stippled dots are built up over three passes to create filled in and defined appearance. Ombre and Powder Brows utilise the same technique, however powder brows feature a much lighter/softer are at the head of the brow which is continued to the arch. Both styles mimic a brow that has been filled in with pomade, pencil or powder.

Nano / Machine Stroke - like ombre / powder brows this technique utilises a fine tattoo needle and tattoo machine. Rather than stippling pigment into the dermis, your artist will instead use their tattoo machine to draw fine, hair like lines within your desired brow shape. This technique is incredibly versatile, shading can be added where needing to add volume allowing the artist to create anything from a minimal, natural brow to a full, voluminous look.

Microblading - differing from most other cosmetic tattoo techniques, microblading utilises a manual, pen like tool and a ‘blade’ made of fine needles for it’s application. Rather than implanting pigment into the dermis microblading creates an incision in the upper most layer of the dermis for pigment to be implanted into. This creates fine, thin hair lines that mimic your natural hair growth.

Who can have combination brows?

Nano stroke combination brows are safe for all skin types and skin tones. They are an excellent option for mature skin and have little to no risks, including no risk of damage or scaring as long as the service is performed by a trained and experienced professional. Nano stroke is an advanced technique and requires an experienced artist.

Microblading combination brows are only suitable for individuals below the age of fourth-five and are not an option for people who are prone to keloid scaring as there is a heightened risk of damage to the skin. Individuals with combination or oily skin and anyone with melamine rich skin would achieve better results with nano stroke combination brows.

What if I don’t want them to be dark or bold?

Combination brows are a very diverse cosmetic tattoo option, results range from subtle to bold with many styles in between. Cosmetic tattoo pigments also share in that diversity, an experienced cosmetic tattoo artist should be able to offer a colour of your choice and provide direction and advice on what will suit your complexion and hair colour the best.

Combination brows do not have to be dark to look good, pigment colours can be customised to a light blonde, taupe or tan for individuals who do not want a brown brow.

Additionally the hair stroke pattern should be designed to suit your face, natural hair growth and personal preferences. Hair strokes that are relatively straight will result in a bolder brow while strokes that curve toward the tail of your brow will have a much softer affect.

How long do they take to create and heal?

Service time for combination brows will differ between artists and will depend on multiple factors. Additional time may be taken for skin that is particularly fragile, oily, scarred or similar. Generally combination brows will take between an hour and a half minimum and three hours maximum to complete.

Healing time for combination brows is highly dependant on a number of personal factors including skin type, aftercare, skin care and more. Generally most people will go through the initial stage of scabbing and peeling within seven days of their treatment, however some may take more or less time. The healing process takes place in multiple phases, to read more about the general healing process of cosmetic tattoos please click here.

What are the risks?

The majority of risks associated with combination brow tattoo can be eliminated by receiving the service from a well trained and highly experienced artist. The best way to ensure this is to research the artist you are interested in, see if they have positive reviews on platforms like Facebook and Google and investigate their social media and website to confirm they have an adequate portfolio of healed work. Australian artist must also hold and maintain a licence to provide cosmetic tattoo services.

There will always be minor risks associated with any cosmetic tattoo service, mainly in regards to scaring. While nano stroke does not carry a risk of scaring, microblading does. Correct care must be taken by both the artist and the client to ensure infection control is sufficient, even though the chances are low, as with any procedure that creates an open wound an infection is possible.

All risks are significantly reduced when correct aftercare is followed, if you need additional information on how to care for your new cosmetic tattoo please click here.

Are combination brows permanent?

No combination brows are not permanent, all cosmetic tattoo is semi permanent. You can expect your combination brows to last up to two years perfectly, once fading becomes noticeable they can easily be touched up. We recommend maintain your brows with yearly or bi-yearly follow ups, however everyone is different and some may find their brow tattoo needs more or less maintenance.

Cosmetic tattoo should never be offered as a permanent service, the permanence of a traditional tattoo is due to the depth at which pigment is deposited within the skin. Tattooing too deep into facial skin can cause scaring, discolouration and blow outs (when the ink spreads to unintended areas). All cosmetic and traditional tattoo inks will also be naturally metabolised by the body to some extent, just as an aged traditional tattoo may have an unintended blue or grey hue, ‘permanent’ cosmetic tattoo will gradually lose its warmth and result in blue, grey or purple brows.

Ready to book in?

Having trouble choosing a brow tattoo style? Seek additional help by contacting us, or take our brow tattoo quiz!