What eyebrow tattoo option should i choose?
When it comes to choosing the best eyebrow tattoo technique for you we have to consider a few factors; including your goals for the cosmetic tattoo procedure, how you generally wear your brows or how you would like them to look and which procedures you are a good candidate for. There are four types of brow tattoo which we will break down below - Microblading, Ombre, Combination and Nano Stoke.
You can also send in your preferences for a free assessment by our artists.
Also referred to as Feather Touch, Feathering and Feather Brows.
Microblading is a popular cosmetic tattoo procedure that aims to replicate the natural appearance of your own eyebrow hairs. We use a manual device to careful draw hair like lines within your brow.
Microblading is best for individuals who are looking for very natural results. When performed by a trained professional microblading will heal to replicate the natural appearance of your brows, creating fullness and shape in a very inconspicuous way. A talented artist will be able to perform this procedure on many kinds of natural brows, regardless of the amount of hair you have or however they may be shaped.
Not everyone is a good candidate for microblading however as the manual tool can create a risk of scaring, meaning it isn’t the right choice for individuals with thin or oily skin and is often not an option for individuals over the age of fifty (dependant on skin quality). If you would like microblading but are not a good candidate we recommend you opt for Nano Stroke.
Nano Stoke
Also referred to as Machine Hair Lines and Phi Brows.
Nano stroke is a relatively new technique which aims to replicate the style of a microbladed tattoo without using a manual tool. This procedure uses a tattoo gun to carefully trace hair like lines onto your brow and is minimally invasive making it an excellent option for anyone who is not a candidate for microblading.
Nano Stroke won’t always look as refined as microblading, however the difference is often so minor that it is unlikely anyone who is not a trained professional will notice. Nano stroke is more time consuming that microblading and as it is such a new procedure, not all artist are trained to perform this technique.
Also referred to as Powder Brows.
Ombre brows replicate the made up look of a pomade or powdered brow. We use a tattoo gun to stipple pixelated colour on your brow creating a defined tail and lightly shaded head.
Ombre comes with no limitations regarding candidacy as it is minimally invasive and does not risk scarring. This means it is the perfect option for all ages and skin types.
Also referred to as Combo Brows.
Combination brows are the best of both worlds, utilising the defined and filled in look of ombre with either Microblading or Nano Stroke hair lines at the head. This procedure uses multiple techniques.
We recommend combination to anyone who is looking for more definition than microblading can provide, but with a more natural appearance than an Ombre Brow tattoo.
Colour options
The colour options for all four brow styles are the same meaning you should not be restricted by your ideal colour choice. Your cosmetic tattoo artist should have a wide range of pigments, and should be able to assist you in finding a shade that suits your natural brow hair, hair colour and skin tone.
Which option should you choose?
Personal preference comes into play heavily when choosing which brow tattoo option is best for you, however we do have a few key suggestions to help you decide.
Do you wear make-up? How much and how often? If your answer is no, or not often we would recommend either nano stroke or Microblading as they offer the most natural results. If you don’t wear makeup often, you can also opt for a subtle combo brow, this will mean your brows will look filled in at their tails with a subtle ombré into natural hair strokes at the head. If you wear makeup often, or like to fill in your brows quite heavily we would recommend you opt for Combination or Ombre brows as they will save you the most time when applying a full face, and offer you the most ’made-up’ results.
Hopefully the explanations above can provide you with a good idea on which cosmetic tattoo style will best suit you, however if you need more assistance you can send us an equity for free assessment here, or book in for a consultation with us here.