What is Microblading?
Put very simply; Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique where a manual tool containing a Microblade is used to carefully draw hair like lines within your brow. Microblading is a very popular procedure as it provides full but natural results.
Who can get microblading?
To be a good candidate for microblading you must meet a few requirements. Firstly we recommend you avoid microblading if you have thin or sensitive skin, or if you are over the age of fifty, this is because, unlike other cosmetic tattoo procedures, microblading can create scar tissue and/or may not heal well in thinner or older skin. Our rule regarding age does not always apply and we recommend you attend a consultation to have your skin assessed before choosing to have this procedure; your cosmetic tattoo artist will know whether you are able to have microblading without risk of scarring. Similarly if you have skin that is regularly very oily may mean you are not a good candidate for microblading. Generally microblading results have a significantly shorter lifespan than dry or combination skin.
What is the alternative? The best alternative if you are not a good candidate for microblading is Nano Stroke brows which provide similar result. You can also have ombre brows as both of these techniques utilise a tattoo gun and are less invasive than microblading, guaranteeing you won’t risk scaring.
To read the differences on these three procedures please click here.
How long does microblading last?
When done well microblading can last anywhere between six month and three years, however the longevity of your results depends on a number of factors including but not limited to; your skin type, skin care (including the products you use), lifestyle, sun exposure and how well they were taken care of while healing. Microblading should be touched up between four and six weeks after your initial procedure, which will ensure they last as long as the above conditions allow.
To read more about how to care for your Microblading please click here.
How long does the procedure take and will it hurt?
Microblading can take between an hour and an hour and a half to complete. During this time we do three passes of tattooing on each brow, applying numbing between each pass. We do three passes to ensure the pigment is evenly and sufficiently distributed in the tattooed hair lines.
Generally microblading is pain free, however as everyone is different this isn’t always the case. If you have a resistance to the anaesthetic, have consumed alcohol or tobacco or are at certain stages in your menstral cycle you may feel more pain than others during this procedure. However most Cosmetic Tattoo Artists will prioritise your comfort and will apply more numbing where necessary. It is important you let your tattoo artist know if you are uncomfortable, especially at the very beginning of the procedure so they can best assist you with pain management.
How long does it take to heal?
Microblading has a healing period of four weeks, however it goes through multiple phases within this time.
Week 1 - 2: Your new brows will begin to scab and peel a few days after your procedure, but can peel for up to two weeks. We recommend you try to retain your scabs for as long as possible as it can increase the longevity of the tattoo. Do not pick, rub or pull at the scabs.
Week 3: Immediately after scabbing your brows will look pale, this is normal! All cosmetic tattoo’s look lighter immediately after scabbing.
Week 4: You should see the pigment in your tattoo returning in the fourth week of heeling, and by the end of the fourth week they should be their final colour. We recommend you have a touch up at this stage.
To read more about how to care for your microblading please click here.
Can i get microblading done with light/blonde brows?
Yes, absolutely. Your cosmetic tattoo artist should have a wide range of pigments for you to choose from and should also be able to match the pigments to your natural brow hairs, hair colour and your skins undertones.
When will i need a touch up?
You are the best judge of when you will need a touch up. We recommend you return to your tattoo artist when you feel your brows have faded enough to need another session. Generally this is after at least a year but will depend on your aftercare, lifestyle, skincare, sun exposure etc.
Have more questions? Head over to our Microblading FAQ, or contact us here. Alternatively you can book a free consultation with us to assess whether you are a good candidate for microblading and discuss your goals regarding cosmetic tattoo results.